Memorising tricks

Sometimes it becomes quite necessary to memorise things. There are tons of different memorisation techniques that you can use.

Repeating information over and over again. Do this until you can easily repeat something 10 minutes later.

Rewriting information that you want to retain. Rewrite at least three times for maximum retention.

Acting it out. Make up a dance or hand signals to remember whole sentences.

Making rhymes and songs out of important dates and facts. For example — Who can forget that in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue?

Using acronyms to remember facts. Like SIM translates to Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic — the three basic rock types.

Using acrostics to remember words in a specific order. Like My Dear Aunt Sally — Multiply and Divide before you Add and Subtract.

Quizzing yourself: It’s a good idea to quiz yourself midway through your memorising session to see how well you’re retaining information. A few ways to quiz yourself:

Use a voice recorder with pre-recorded questions Use chapter-end questions from your textbook Use questions from past quizzes, tests or assignments Ask someone else to quiz you