Obscene posters of ‘Fun’ draw flak

MUMBAI: Filmmaker Pahlaj Nihalani said he is verifying whether the producer of ‘Fun’ had submitted for clearance the same posters that the police have objected to on grounds of obscenity. Nihalani, president of the Association of Motion Pictures and Television Programme Producers (AMPTPP), said: “There have been occasions where producers submit a different set of material for publicity and come out with an entirely different campaign, openly flouting the rules. “If the posters are the same, we will have to pull up the publicity committee concerned. We are also looking at the possibility of the law enforcement agencies going overboard with their action,” Bollywood Trade quoted Nihalani as saying. The publicity material of ‘Fun’ was said to have been cleared by a committee appointed by AMPTPP to which the producers belong. — HNS