Smile is the thing
I like the most
But I can see
In you it is lost
Give me your address
I will make post it to you
Because I know
Much it does not cost
You won’t get it in
the market
Because it is not on sale
You may get it by receiving
A joke through e-mail
Though a smile
is perennial
Like the long river Nile
You easily may lose it
By limiting yourself to a file
Smile should not
be stopped
Because it appears only for a while
So after reading this poem
Please give me a big smile.
— Biraj Hada, Class X, NK Singh Memorial EPS School, Kathmandu
Mother dear:
You gave us birth
And life
And raised us
Without a fuss
Brought us up
Showing us
The wrong from right
Cooked the best food
We ever ate
I remember the years
You used to
Hold me
...play with me
...sleep with me
I always wanted to tell you
Just three words
That I love you
Now it’s too late
I could never tell you
How much I love you
So I sit and write
A poem just for you
And that
Mom, I love you.
— Pranika Lama, Class IX, EPS School, Minbhawan
If I could:
Like the birds I want to fly,
Up and up in the sky.
Like the flowers I want to bloom
In the morning and the noon.
Like the sun I want to rise,
To be oh so bright and wise.
Like the wind I want to blow,
The black clouds very low.
Like the water I want to be cool,
Satisfying the thirst of a school.
Like the springs I want to fall,
These are my wishes, over and all.
— Nirajan Pandey, Suryodaya Secondary School, Kathamandu
Bloom :
Flower, flower why are you dry?
You make all the people cry.
Flower, flower don’t be so sad
You’re making us feel so bad.
You are a flower, not a man
Smile little flower, if you can.
Oh flower, quickly, quickly bloom
Don’t trap anyone in your gloom.
Flower, flower you’re always cool
No need for you to go to school.
— Ashrika Chaudhary, Class V, Nobel Academy, Kathmandu
What life’s not:
Life is not a game
Played by a player.
Life is not some waste
Thrown into a dust bin.
Life is not some word
That can be rubbed off.
Life is not a ball
That can be thrown everywhere.
Life is not a toy
That can be broken.
Life is not paper
That can be recycled.
Life is not a pencil
That can be sharpened.
Life is a short period of time
Between birth and death.
— Sudati Shrestha, Class VII, Nagarjuna Academy, Lalitpur
My dreams and yours:
I wish my dreams would come true,
Dreams that are my very own
Dreams of my heart,
Dreams of my soul.
I have special dreams,
Which I wish to come true
But I know dreams are just dreams
That they never come true.
Its nice to dream
Don’t you think so?
I know you must have dreams as well
Which you wish would come true.
— Barsha Baidhar and Shreeya Pradhan, Kathmandu University High School
Frustrated ‘cause I can’t tell if it’s real
Mad ‘cause I don’t know how you feel
Upset ‘cause we can’t make it right
Sad ‘cause I need you day and night
Angry ‘cause you don’t take my hand
Grieved ‘cause you don’t understand
Disappointed ‘cause we can’t be together
But I love you forever.
— Shristi Manandhar, Class VIII, RIBS, Kathmandu
Michael Schumacher, my man
I am your great fan
You were F1 champ for seven years
But now you’ve retired
I am rolling in tears
When you used to race
I used to sit on my coach
And watch you on my
TV set
I’ll always remember
your face
Now that you’re retired .
There’s nothing else to do.
— Pranaya Lohani, Class VIII, RIBS School, Kathmandu
Likes and dislikes:
I like to fly the kite,
But I don’t like to fight.
I love my mother,
But don’t like to beat others.
I like to play in the light,
But not in the night.
I like to sing
But not drink coffee.
I like to look at the sky,
But not tell a lie.
— Nikesh Tandukar, Class VI, Nagarjuna Academy, Lalitpur
In heaven:
If disaster could be kind
There would be no war
There would be no flood
There would be no blood
There would be no destruction
Therer would be no devastation
There wold be no thunder
There would be no hunger
There would be no pain
There would be no moan
Oh, God!
Let’s all of us live in heaven
You, me and my nation.
— Ranjita and Prakash, Class IX, VS Niketan, Kathmandu
Spring in the air:
When spring comes
The white snow melts
Out sprout the greens
And all my little friends
Will sing a song
When spring comes
The world is beautiful
With all the snow gone
Therefore, I’ll come
When the sun sets
And in the deep blue sky
My little friend will fly.
— Sunil Lama, Class X, Wits Academy