Talk to me

Anjita Pradhan


Man is a social animal and enjoys interacting. He seeks, relishes and acquires great rewards from social interactions. If he does not keep pace with the etiquette, then he is sure to lead lonely, unhappy and depressed life. Effective interpersonal skills are crucial not only in general aspects of our life but also are particularly true in career. “Interpersonal skills are absolutely necessary in helping build a career,” says Nyal, HR Manager, Yak and Yeti Hotel. Interpersonal skills include habits, attitudes, manners and appearance we present in front of the people. We sometimes do not understand how important interpersonal skills really are but if one gets the mantra right, then one attains the success and glides into a productive career.

According to M Faheen Butt, general manager, Himalayan Bank: “A person does not stand anywhere if he does not have skills. If he lacks interpersonal skills, there is no chance for him to prosper in his career.” Employers appreciate employees who get along with people at all levels; therefore, they seek employees who have good interpersonal skills, such as communication, problem solving and teamwork abilities. Teamwork is important and essential part of the skill. “Interpersonal skills enable a person to work harmoniously and efficiently with others,” says Surendra Bhandari, general manager, Kumari Bank. Working in a group with team spirit is essential ingredient to succeed, he adds. Communication expresses a person’s identity. The way we talk and express ourselves also define the kind of person we are. The art of communication plays a vital role in our lives. Citing an example of sales department Nyal, says, “It is very essential for a person working in sales department to sell his/her words to increase productivity.” She further says that if a person is not able to communicate his thoughts across the table, it would be very difficult for him to keep his work going.

Dealing efficiently with problems relating to employer, subordinate and colleagues becomes an important part of interpersonal skills. “Giving personal touch to the relation we share with the people in the office is essential,” says Reena Shrestha. The way a person carries himself also makes a difference in one’s career. Appearance could be one of the leading factors. Even if a person has best way of communicating or can work amazingly in a group, people will point out at some point or the other if he has a shabby get up. “Skills are of no use if a person does not think of his looks,” says Butt. Besides, body language needs to be studied before giving and getting employment in organisations. Wrong body language could often lead to misunderstanding with the colleagues and employers. So, this also forms an important part of interpersonal skills. Nyla feels that good interpersonal skills come in a package of good communication, personality, regularity, teamwork and appropriate body language.