Taylor Swift wants curtains for Christmas

LONDON: Taylor Swift has asked Santa for soft furnishings to decorate her new home with this Christmas because she doesn't have any time to buy them herself.

Taylor Swift has asked for soft furnishings from Santa this Christmas.

The 'Love Story' singer - who has just moved out of her parents' home and bought her own place in Nashville, Tennessee - says the only gifts she is asking for aresoft furnishings to decorate her home.

The 19-year-old star said: "I have just bought my first home in Nashville. So I will go out soon, and live alone for the first time in my life.

"I'd like many cushions, curtains, bedding and picture frames for my new apartment".

She added: "If I find some free time in London, I would like to buy furniture and accessories. I've heard that there are great ones in the Portobello Road antique shops. "

Taylor also revealed that her father - who was once a Christmas tree salesman - loved the festive time of year so much, that the whole family went overboard decorating the house every year.

She said: "Christmas here at home is always a big celebration. Each room is decorated; I'm looking forward to it."