Nepal Electricity Authority has launched the 'Bright and Clean City Campaign'.

The campaign is being launched with the aim of further illuminating and beautifying the cities. The campaign is a part of the government's Bright Nepal Campaign.

As part of the campaign, decorated and sophisticated traffic lights will be installed in various places, including historical and cultural heritage sites and major roads in the city areas.

NEA Executive Director Kulman Ghising said the campaign would utilise the power that goes to waste during the night and help make the city look brighter.

Unnecessary and unmanaged electric poles will be removed and underground power supplying cables will be laid.

According to Ghising, the campaign will begin from Kathmandu, Bharatpur and Pokhara in the first phase and gradually expand to other cities of the country.

Earlier, Minister of Energy and Irrigation Pampha Bhusal, while assuming office, had shared her plan to manage and strengthen the power supply system by maintaining the beauty of the cities.

A version of this article appears in the print on August 23 2021, of The Himalayan Times.