Hit them high for soft landing!
It can be extremely frustrating when your ball does not bite on the green and roll off. Instead of putting for a birdie you begin to think, how do I know make an ‘up and down’. Players with higher ball flight have better advantage when it comes to stopping the ball on the green. A shot with higher trajectory will drop down softly on the green and the ball will have better chance of stopping within the putting surface even when the green conditions are tough and hard. Make sure you do not choose to hit it high when the wind is blowing hard otherwise your ball is going to end up 20 yards short of the green with headwind and 20 yards long with tailwind. In good weather condition, you can really take advantage on the course by hitting a high fairway shots into the green.
Here are few pointers that you may consider while at practice to change your ball flight an eventually lower your score.
1. Address: Make sure you are not too wide on your stance. If your stance is too wide the chances are that you will sway and if you sway the fall flight is not going to be high at all.
2. Swing plane: If your swing plane is too flat, chances are you will hit a low shot with more top spin on the ball. If your swing plane is low, you may want to make it slightly upright. Take your backswing slightly up and try to finish slightly higher on the follow through. Stay in the box and rotate your body without losing the spine angle
3. Ball Position: Ensure that your ball position is not too far on the right foot, place it little left of centre. Your body should not sway at all during the swing otherwise you may duff the shot.
4. Impact position: You should ensure that the clubface is not closed at impact and your head should remain behind the ball while your club makes a contact with the ball. At this position sixty percent of your weight should also be on the right side of your body.
If you miss the green by hitting it low, the chances are you will struggle to make a par on almost all holes but if your ball bites on the green, you have a birdie opportunity. Take the advantage of good weather and score better. Practice these shots at the driving range before it become second to nature and apply the technique on the course.