Child-friendly governance roll-out plan formulated

Kathmandu, February 11

The Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development has formulated Child-friendly Local Governance Roll-out Plan (2017-2020) to mainstream issues of children into governance by promoting overall aspects of children’s rights.

The roll-out plan is expected to increase participation of children and teenagers in education, improve indicators of health sector, guarantee fundamental rights of the children and help maintain coordination among government agencies.

It aims to adopt child-friendly local governance in 50 per cent of local levels within four years by expanding the implementation of a national policy, while declaring 15 per cent of local levels as child-friendly zones.

Child-friendly governance will be gradually expanded to all provinces and local levels, read the roll-out plan. For the purpose of the implementation of the roll-out plan, all provinces and local bodies will be required to comply with the national policy relating to it. The roll-out plan also envisages ending all forms of violence against children by raising public awareness about child exploitation and abuse and creating child-friendly conduct in public places, houses and communities.

All children should have access to nutrition, vaccination, vitamin ‘A’, anti-polio drive and medical check-up right from their birth as per the roll-out plan. It has also made mandatory for provinces and local bodies to address issues of children with disabilities while meeting the requirements of child-friendly local governance.

“No less than 40 per cent of the total budget to be allocated for children should be set aside for the construction and management of child-friendly

infrastructures. Similarly, the concerned authorities will strictly enforce the laws in force to discourage forceful, early and child marriage,” read the roll-out plan.

It has also prohibited child labour and encouraged authorities to create an environment for them to enjoy their fundamental rights.