Constitutional Council fails to recommend election commissioners in Koirala's absence
KATHMANDU: The Constitutional Council could not recommend commissioners for the Election Commission on Sunday as the leader of opposition party did not show up for the meeting.
The opposition party leader at the Parliament, an ex-officio member of the Council, Sushil Koirala was absent at the meeting today due to health reasons, informed Chief Justice and another CC member Kalyan Shrestha.
The meeting, however, discussed some applications filed for the constitutional positions, according to Shrestha.
Posts of the Chief Election Commissioner and two commissioners at the constitutional body are vacant for last few months.
There are only two commissioners – Ayodhi Prasad Yadav and Ila Sharma – at the Commission currently.
Speaker Onsari Gharti said the next meeting of CC would recommend the names.
The Constitutional Council, headed by the Prime Minister, comprises Chief Justice, Speaker, Chairperson of the Rastriya Sabha, opposition party leader and Deputy Speaker as members.
(With inputs from the Rastriya Samachar Samiti)