CTEVT’s fourth date with padlock

Madhyapur Thimi, Jan 21:

Students affiliated with Nepal Dental Science Association (NDSA) today padlocked the main gate of the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) for an indefinite period, demanding to meet their needs.

This is the fourth time they padlocked the CTEVT office.

Michael Devkota, president of NDSA, said they locked the main entrance of the CTEVT along with the offices of the division chiefs.

Many of the CTEVT officers were also locked inside the office and were released in the evening in the presence of security officers.

He said, “We will camp in the CTEVT in the night to put pressure on the authorities concerned to meet our demands.” Hari Oli, a second year student of Dental Science, said they padlocked the offices as the CTEVT officials refused to postpone their regular work.

He sustained injuries in his hand while trying to force the officials to discontinue their regular work. Many visitors at the CTEVT to get their works done were stranded outside

the main gate.

Kamaal Ahamed, member secretary of the CTEVT, said it was beyond the capacity of the CTEVT to address the students’ demands.