Sit-in staged on hospital premises

Kathmandu, April 28:

The Advocacy Task Force, a joint committee of various organisations working for the rights of HIV infected people, continued their sit-in on the premises of Sukra Raj Tropical Hospital today, for the 14th day.

As many as 30 volunteers of HIV Support Group illuminated candles in front of the main entrance of the hospital for an hour from 4:30 to 5:30 pm and displayed a banner that read Treatment is Our Right.

“We have been doing this for 14 days,” said Shushil Khatri, co-ordinator of the committee. “But the administration is not concerned at all,” he added.

According to Khatri, they witnessed the death of 12 HIV infected people from the time they started the demonstration.

Sibu Giri, an advisor of the committee, said the hospital management did not implement the agreement reached with them six months ago.

“The Anti Retroviral (ARV) Committee must have a minute of the agreement on opening a separate unit for the HIV infected and a room for Support Group volunteers within hospital,” he said.

However, Dr Nirakar Man Shrestha, special secretary at the Ministry of Health and Population said it was not possible to open a new unit for them shortly.

“Starting a separate unit will send a negative message of discriminating against them,” he said.

Over 350 HIV infected persons are receiving ARV from the hospital, of which 27 are indoor patients. “I believe the problem will be solved once we start providing ARV treatment service from regional hospitals as well,” Dr Shrestha said.