Kids and obesity


People giggling and commenting on others body weight makes one lose self-confidence and self-esteem. And this becomes worse for a child if s/he faces such a situation. “Time and again being bullied by their peers in schools and the community leaves a psychological impact on a child’s life. As a result, s/he starts losing confidence,” informed Dr Subhana Thapa Karki, Consultant Paediatrician, Fellowship in Paediatric Endocrinology, Kanti Children’s Hospital, Maharajgunj.

“Weight for age specific centile chart is adjusted and if a child’s weight is as per the age ranks — within 85th and 95th centile then it is known as overweight. However, if it exceeds 95 in the chart then it is considered to be obesity,” informed the doctor.

Sedentary lifestyle to blame

Children these days stay indoors. They lack physical activities as they spend time watching television, eating, and using computers. “Physical inactivity is the major cause of today’s children for being overweight and obese. Their weight can be decreased if parents make them help in the kitchen or in their daily chores asking them to bring this and that,” shared Dr Karki.

The food habit of children too is one of the underlying causes of obesity. Eating junk food items, oily and fried foods are responsible for increasing weight. Children with low birth weight (below 2.5kg at birth) too are under risk of being obese as they grow. “This generally happens because mothers feed more to their children,” stated the doctor.

Parents’ food habit also is one of the causes for weight gain in children as they learn eating habits from their parents. “This is why parents must be conscious about their eating habits.”

Other than that there are a number of genetic conditions leading to obesity. If parents are obese, then their children have high chances of being obese. Another cause is syndromic cause — different from normal features like Prader Willi and Bardet-Biedl (extra fingers, long and slender fingers, small genitalia in males, sub normality, lower level of intellectuality). Obesity is a major feature in them. “Detailed clinical examination and investigation must be accomplished in such a case,” informed the doctor.

Endocrine causes such as imbalance in hormones also leads to obesity. Type 2 diabetes and thyroid are the causes of obesity in children. Weight gain during pregnancy too can lead to obesity.

Risk factors

There are high chances of cardiac problems in the long run if one doesn’t lose his/her weight. High blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnoea, respiratory problems, and asthma can be visible in children. “Uncontrolled weight gain can lead to infertility. Female children with obesity are prone to ovarian cysts,” shared Dr Karki.

Condition in Nepal

Most of the children in the country are gaining weight these days because of their food habit and sedentary lifestyle. To help the children an endocrine OPD has been started at Kanti Children’s Hospital since the last four years. “As parents are becoming conscious about their children’s health there has been an increment in the number of patients in the hospitals,” informed Dr Karki.

Preventive measures

To prevent your child from being overweight and obese one must not restrict the diet. Rather a healthy and balanced food is necessary for the growth and development. Parents must take care of their children’s food habit. “Foods with much calorie intake such as chocolate, ice cream cookies, soft drinks, and fried food items should be avoided. In between the meals, parents must give green leafy vegetables and fruits to their children,” advised the doctor.

Also parents and guest can rather bring fruits for the children than chocolates. “Parents must give an evening meal to their children between six and seven and must take them for a walk at least for 15 to 20 minutes to increase their metabolism,” suggested Dr Karki. Parents must keep a gap of minimum two hours before the child goes to bed after the meal. “Children mustn’t be allowed to watch television for more than an hour a day,” added the doctor. In addition skimmed milk can be given to children. If it isn’t available then parents can remove the milk skin before giving it to them. If your child is overweight as per his/her age then visit the paediatrician.