Never ignore prostate problems
Prostate is a walnut sized gland found in male urinary system. Located below the urinary bladder, it covers the first part of urethra. It helps in giving nutrition and mortality to sperm. It also helps in stopping urination during ejaculation. However, men can get prostate diseases as they grow old. “When a man is 40 years old there is 40 per cent chance of prostate enlargement, and it increases to 80 per cent when he is 80-year-old,” informed Dr Roshan Khatiwada, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Purbanchal University. It might not occur in some though.
Enlargement of prostate occurs when there is failure of apoptosis. Apoptosis is a process where there is programmed cell death: when it fails, there will be no cell death, which then leads to an enlargement of prostate. “Whenever there is an uncontrolled growth of cells, it leads to prostate carcinoma. This is why people must be aware if they have problems in urination,” advised Dr Khatiwada.
There could be infection in prostate, which medically is termed as prostatitis.
Problem urinating
Frequency of urination will increase if there are prostrate problems. The patients will suffer from lower urinary tract infections when there is prostate enlargement. Nocturia — excessive urination at night, urgency in urination, inconvenience, difficulty in starting urination, weak and slow urinary stream, intermittency are some of the symptoms. “Intermittency is a condition where urinary stream isn’t continuous. Meanwhile incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. These conditions are common when there are prostrate problems,” informed Dr Bhoj Raj Luitel, Consultant Urologist at Tribhuwan University Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj and Grande International Hospital, Dhapasi.
Along with that, one will also suffer from a feeling of incomplete urination. Dripping urine is quite common. Whenever there is prostatitis, there will be frequent urge to urinate, difficulty in urination, pain or burning during urination and bowel movements, and burning in the back part of the testes. Fever is common too.
Stone, renal failure risks
Whenever there is prostate enlargement, there is blockage in urination. It hampers quality of life as one wakes up repeatedly to urinate at night. As there is no clearance of urine, residual urine is left. There is pressure in the bladder and as there will be thickening, there will be back flow of urine leading to swollen ureter (ureter is a duct by which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder). It also leads to swelling of kidneys and if left untreated, it can lead to permanent damage of the kidneys.
“Whenever there is prostrate enlargement, it leads to some pressure in the urinary bladder leading to bladder stone (urinary stone) and blood in urine. Men are also at high risk of acquiring urine infection due to prostrate diseases. Most of the patients are seen in emergencies when there is stoppage of urine,” added Dr Luitel.
Drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol is not advisable for those suffering from prostate problems. “Such drinks have an impact on the central nervous system,” informed Dr Khatiwada. Smoking should be avoided too.
In Nepal
It is one of the common problems and many may not realise that prostate medication and surgery can ruin your sex life. This is “due to the surgery or medications of prostate, the muscles around urethra are destroyed. When there is ejaculation, there is no constriction and as a result, ejaculation can’t happen through penis. Rather the sperms move to bladder. This is known as retrograde ejaculation”.
“People aren’t aware about the disease and sometimes don’t see it as a problem. Unless there is disturbance in the quality of life, people do not come to the hospitals,” informed Dr Khatiwada. Thus,
timely treatment is necessary. People having problems in urination must immediately visit physicians or urologists.
The truth
Myth: Vasectomy causes prostate.
Fact: When there is decrement in testosterone hormone, there are lesser chances of enlargement of prostate. Testosterone hormone helps in cell multiplication but after vasectomy, there are lesser chances for growth of prostate.
Myth: Sexual activities increase the risk of developing prostate.
Fact: There is no relation between sex and prostate enlargement. However, having sex with multiple partners leads to infection and STDs.
Myth: If none of the family members is suffering from prostate, then you too will not suffer from prostate.
Fact: No, if there is no one suffering from prostate in your family, you could be the one.
Myth: If you don’t have any symptoms, you don’t have prostate cancer.
Fact: No. Cancers could be silent. People with family history of cancer are at high risk of acquiring cancers.
Myth: Surgery is the only treatment.
Fact: No. Surgery isn’t necessary for all.