Lalitpur Metropolitan City Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan unveiled the inscription carved on a stone at an under-construction Falcha, a traditional resting place, at Pulchowk, Lalitpur, today.
The Falcha spreads in over one aana area with financial assistance worth Rs 2.9 million from the metropolis. It was damaged in 2072 and was in a sorry condition until the locals took the initiative to rebuild this resting place. Also the Falcha was at risk of encroachment.
Mayor Maharjan, on the occasion, shared that the 75 per cent of the reconstruction work had been completed. 'We faced various obstructions after we formed a reconstruction committee in 2000 to reconstruct this Falcha.
Seven cases were lodged against us even after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of its reconstruction in 2008,' Mayor added.
He further said that various top leaders of Nepali Congress positively intervened when the reconstruction work was stopped. They managed to convince the top leadership of Nepali Congress about the existence of Falcha through photos taken over various periods of time and importance to save the ancient heritage for future generation.
The reconstruction committee, according to Maharjan, faced the accusation that the Falcha encroached the main road.
Similarly, Lalitpur Metropolitan City Ward No 3 Chairperson Shree Gopal Maharjan said that the feeling they had after the reconstruction process gained momentum was akin to winning a war. "Justice prevailed and truth eventually triumphed," he remarked.
A version of this article appears in the print on March 20, 2022, of The Himalayan Times