Behavior change stressed to build clean kitchen

LALITPUR: Sixty one per cent of the population depends on firewood for cooking and over 22,000 people annually succumb to various sorts of diseases caused by kitchen smoke.

The use of firewood as cooking fuel causes indoor air pollution and the deforestation brings several human health hazards and environmental degradation.

Information about this was shared at a workshop organised by the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) here today. The participants of the programme stressed the need for change in mentality and behaviour to build a clean and health-friendly kitchen.

The use of efficient and modern stoves would not only contribute to human’s good health and clean atmosphere, but it also saves the fuel cost. “But the general public understanding is different and people/consumers should be made aware of the multiple benefits about the use of the electric stove,” they viewed.

Alternative Energy Promotion Center’s acting executive director Nawaraj Dhakal shared about the government’s target of having complete clean kitchens by 2030 AD by promoting the use of electric stoves for cooking with the increase in power production at home. The government through the issue of a white paper has given a priority to the electric stoves at every home campaign.

International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) general director David Molden shared that air pollution has further fueled the issue of climate change and countries in the mountain region had been more affected by its consequences. He was of the view of finding a solution to air pollution inside the home for the causes of environment and human health as well.

Clean Cooking Alliance chief executive officer Dymphna Van Der Lans said clean kitchen campaign had been launched in 10 countries and among them, behaviour change for clean kitchen programme conducted in Nepal, India and Bangladesh had been highly effective.