Code of conduct for Province 7 ministers

Dhangadi, February 28

The second Cabinet meeting of Province 7 held in Dhangadi today decided to implement code of conduct for ministers.

Secretary Pradip Raj Kandel of the Office of the Council of Ministers said that the code of conduct has provisions related to ethics, conduct and relationship with kin besides consolidation of professionalism among ministers and staffers working in the ministries.

The meeting also formed three committees that will resemble mini-Cabinets under the cabinet. Internal Affairs and law Minister Prakash Bahadur Shah has been appointed Coordinator of Social and Infrastructure Committee while Social Development Minister Dirgha Sodari will head the Political Committee and Physical Development Minister Pathan Singh Bohara will head the Administration and Bill Committee.

Provincial government Spokesperson Prakash Bahadur Shah said different departments of the government would act as per departmental plans, monitor buildings of the provincial ministries and the health sector, develop coordination among employees and manage vehicles and waste.