The Dahal-Nepal faction of ruling Nepal Communist Party has asked for a few days' time to participate in discussions summoned by the Election Commission for Thursday.

Leaders of the splinter group reached the ECN premises today seeking time and to notify the authorities that the meeting could not go ahead as planned. The group reasoned that since chairpersons Madhav Kumar Nepal and Pushpa Kamal Dahal are out of the capital in course of the ongoing protests, there are issues with nominating representatives for discussions.

The poll-body on Wednesday had summoned the chairs of both the sides, or representatives, for a discussion on registration of party. The ECN also looked to brief the groups on ongoing preparations for election.

Meanwhile, the Oli-faction has asked the commission to speed up preparations for the election as they are ready for the same. Leader of the faction Subash Chandra Nembang told the media that the EC can go ahead with preparations in full swing as the Supreme Court has not spelled any verdict in the issue yet.