Direct bus from Mahendranagar to Delhi

BHIMDUTTANAGAR: The Mahakali Seti Transportation Committee, Kanchanpur has started direct bus service from Mahendranagar to New Delhi in India from Thursday.

The direct bus service was, however, inaugurated by Nepal Transportation National Federation Chairperson Dinesh Bhandari on Wednesday.

The operation of the bus service along this 350-kilometre route is believed to lessen the incidents of robbery of Nepali passengers in Indian places bordering Nepal including Gaddachauki and Banbasa.

The buses plying from Nepal to India belong to the Department of Transport Management under the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal.

India and Nepal would operate their buses on alternate days. The fare for this route has been fixed Rs 912, according to the Committee.

The Committee has been making preparations to operate bus service from Mahendranagar to Dehradun, India also.