Dispute over two murders settled
Gaighat, October 25:
Relatives and neighbours of two murdered persons today agreed to give up their rivalry.
In the talks mediated by the Udayapur district administration office, the neighbours of late Ramanand Chaudhary, 45, and those of late Min Prasad Bastola agreed not to file cases against each other and thus end their fight.
Earlier, Bastola, an alleged timber smuggler, had allegedly murdered Chaudhary, the chairman of the Siwahi Community Forest User Group, who had gone to Bastola’s place at Sundarpur to see where he had hidden the timber illegally felled from the
community forest.
Later, Chaudhary’s neighbours and relatives, angry over the incident, murdered Bastola.
It has also been agreed that one of Chaudhary’s relatives would be given a job at the post office in his place, the chief district officer Dulluraj Basnet said.