A news report from Tamghas, Gulmi said 28 structures, including houses, shops and cowsheds were destroyed by fire that spread from a forest in Gulmi district.

Fire that raged on Friday until Saturday night razed this many houses and cowsheds at Isma rural municipality's wards 1, 2 and 4, and at Gulmidurbar rural municipality, said Shankar Prasad Pokhrel, the spokesperson at the District Police Office, Gulmi.

According to him, the fire that started at the Rani community forest at Sindukha, Isma rural municipality-2 on Saturday afternoon spread to the settlements. The fire destroyed houses and animal sheds belonging to 15 persons at Hastichaur, killing a dozen cattle.

Similarly, fire that spread out from the nearby forest has partially damaged the electricity substation at Birbas, Gulmidarbar rural municipality-4 on Friday. Security personnel and locals brought the fire under control and prevented the substation from becoming fully-destroyed.

The fire has caused damage worth around Rs 20 million to the substation, police said.

Similarly, a news report from Birgunj, Parsa said fire that spread from a wheat field across the border in India burnt thatched roof houses and food grains as well as crops of farmers at Bhalamahiya settlement , Chhipaharmai rural municipality-1 in Parsa district. The disaster has damaged properties and food grains worth hundreds of thousands of rupees, it is learnt.

It is said the fire started in the wheat field across the border in India at 3.00pm on Saturday spread to the settlement and burnt the wheat crop, hay, chicken farm and the houses of 15 farmers. The inferno caused damage worth more than one million and eighty-four thousand rupees, police said.