The meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR) resumed off after weeks' disruption triggered by political difference on whether to form probe panel on gold smuggling scam.

The meeting of HoR resumed after the political parties forged consensus on thorny issues of the hour.

Speaking in the HoR meeting today, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Purna Bahadur Khadka informed the lawmakers that political parties had reached an agreement to form a probe commission on gold smuggling scam and thereby end parliament deadlock.

The probe commission will be formed on coming September 23 as per Investigation Commission Act, 2026 for the study on gold smuggling, legal provision to curb the crime, structural reform and the previous investigation.

The commission will also furnish recommendation to the government for future works as amendment of laws.

Currently, the Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police has been investigating the gold smuggling scam, which was initially begun by the Revenue Investigation Department after confiscation of around 60-kg gold from TIA premises.

DPM Khadka stressed that government was ready to resolve problems in a democratic way. He thanked the major opposition for the resumption of the parliament following intense discussion and dialogue.