Two held for stealing:
Kathmandu: A team of Sorakhutte ward police office on Sunday arrested two persons on charge of stealing computer parts from a computer accessories shop at Putalisadak. The ward police office arrested Binay Kayastha and Subodh Shrestha from Kathmandu. They had stolen two sets of Central Processing Unit, a monitor and two CD bags from Logic Accessories at Putalisadak, police said. In another case, Ward Police Office Kamalpokhari arrested Tenzing Sherpa with a fake pistol on Sunday. Sherpa was a member of a gang involved in a series of looting cases at Chabahil. — HNS
Gang loots property:
Janakpurdham: A gang of robbers looted property worth Rs 150,000 from the house of Ram Pukar Das in Basahiya village development committee of Dhanusha district on Sunday night. They also manhandled villagers who came to stop the robbery. Das’ family members said jewelries and other valuables including Rs 60, 000 in cash was looted. The looters, believed to be of Nepali and Maithali origin from the language they used during looting spree, also thrashed villagers who came to fight against them, locals said. Security force has been mobilised to search the dacoits, a security source said.
Probe panel meets:
PYUTHAN: The first meeting of a committee formed to probe into a bus accident that occurred at Garjeni of Tiram village development committee on January 21, in which 41 people attending a marriage procession were killed, held its first meeting on Saturday. The committee decided to collect suggestions from people and organisations concerned on measures to avoid such accidents in the future. — HNS
Maoist surrenders:
DIPAYAL: A Maoist people’s militia platoon commander surrendered to the Doti district administration office on Sunday. According to the information given by the Doti DAO, Roop Singh Punmagar of the Barchhen VDC-8 Khakharkada surrendered to the district administration office on Sunday saying he wanted to live a normal life. He worked as a platoon commander of the Maoist affiliated Magarat Liberation Front No 2 People’s Militia. — HNS
India provides ambulance:
RAMECHHAP: The Indian Embassy has provided an ambulance to the Ramechhap District Hospital to mark the Independence Day of Republic of India, it is stated. — RSS
Electricity to 7 VDCs soon:
MYAGDI: Works for extending electricity supply to seven VDCs of Myagdi district will start this year, it is reported. Dinanath Dahal, executive of the Tatopani Small Hydro-power Project, said electricity will be supplied to the Dana, Dhoba, Sim, Patkhel, Singa, Jamrukkot and Athungo VDCs. He added that the the project has received Rs 1.6 million to construct the projects and Rs 400,000 for a public participation programme. — RSS