Local levels deploy teachers to conduct classes in Kailali district


Teachers have started teaching students in their locality after schools could not resume physical classes during the pandemic.

The teachers reached at different toles of Kailari Rural Municipality and Ghodaghodi Municipality along with Dhangadhi sub-metropolis and taught the students there.

Local levels have said as many as seven students had been called at a particular place to attend the class by maintaining social distancing.

Information Officer Umesh Regmi in Ghodaghodi Municipality said teaching and learning activities has been resumed by deploying teachers in different toles of the municipal areas. “The schools have yet to start, but we deployed the teachers to the particular places where five to seven students could gather,” he said. The local levels have also used school buildings for the same purpose. Education Department Chief in Kailari Rural Municipality Ganesh Prasad Mishra said teaching learning activities have been resumed by gathering the students at a suitable place.

“COVID fear is in the mind and there is no possibility of resuming the classes physically, but the teaching learning activities have been conducted through the learning centres at toles,” he added.

Chief at Education, Youth and Sports of Dhangadi sub-metropolis Bishnu Prasad Koirala said the teaching and learning activities had been started through learning centres as it was difficult to operate virtual classes.