If the revolutionaries do not come together the reactionaries will benefit


Jumla district committee of Netra Bikram Chand-led Communist Party of Nepal has merged with CPN-Maoist Centre.

More than two dozen leaders and cadres including the district in-charge Chandra Bir Tiruwa, along with the district secretary and joint secretary joined the CPN-MC at a function in the Maoist Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal's residence at Khumaltar today.

Dahal said there wass no alternative for the comrades of the Maoist revolution, but to come at one place sooner or later. He said Maoist forces should join hands to protect the achievements for securing the future of the Nepali people.

"Reactionaries in the country and outside are trying to encircle the Maoists and finish them off. They will reap much benefit while the people face massive loss if we, the carriers of such a big change, go towards dissolution or division," he said, adding that the Maoists had started converging in a single place now forgetting the wounds of division and realising the country's objective reality.

"We will be victorious by connecting with the people and centralising the Maoist movement. Nobody can defeat us in that situation."

Dahal further said the former Maoist leaders and cadres who had joined the party would be given appropriate responsibility.

Tiruwa said that it was only Dahal who was capable of steering the Nepali communist movement ahead in the right direction, while the others were not, even if they wished to, Dahal's Secretariat stated.

A version of this article appears in the print on February 9, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.