The National Examinations Board (NEB) has published the Secondary School Examination (SEE) results today.
According to the National Examination Board, a total of 484,939 students had attended the SEE examinations held in 2079. Among them, 2,200 students who scored between 0.8 and 1.2 GPA, 38,770 students who scored between 1.2 and 1.6 GPA, and 88,447 students who scored between 1.6 and 2.0 GPA.
The number of students who scored between 2.0 and 2.4 GPA is 102,293, which is the highest among all the groups.
Similarly, 89,331 students scored between 2.4 and 2.8 GPA, 72,362 scored between 2.8 and 3.2 GPA and 55,069 scored between 3.2 and 3.6 GPA. The number of students who scored between 3.6 and 4 GPA in the examination is 22,475.
During the press conference organized by the National Examination Board (NEB), Dr. Mahashram Sharma, the Chairperson of NEB, announced that the results of this year's examination were better than those of previous years.
The Board published the results as per the system adopted in 2072 BS.
Earlier, NEB Chair Sharma had informed that students can access the results through website, SMS and IVR.One can dial up 1600 to access the SEE results, the Board said. Also the results are accessible through the NEB and Nepal Telecom websites. One can dial 1600, 31003, 34949, 35001 and 31064 to get results through SMS.
The results would be accessible through www.see.gov.np, www.neb.gov.np, www.see.ntc.net.np, www.khaltif.com, www.neemaacademy.com, www.ekantipur.com, www.theconncetplus.com, www.see.edusanjal.com, www.admissionnepal.com, www.seenicasiabank.com, www.neemaaacademy.com, www.mypay.com.np, www.nepaleducatipnportal.com, www.ayoresult.com, ww.results.matraeducation.com, www.tuteeline.com, it is informed.