NRCS Panchthar charging Rs 810 for a pint of blood
Phidim, February 28
Nepal Red Cross Society Panchthar has been running Blood Transfusion Centre in the district.
Ever since the centre was established, donors have been donating blood to the centre for free. However, people coming to the centre seeking blood have to pay a high price — they have to pay Rs 810 for a pint of blood.
Red Cross Blood Transfusion Centre technician Harimaya Tumbapo said the district collects 20 to 25 pints of blood every month. Of the total amount, only six to eight pints of blood is used inside the district while the remaining blood is sent to Birtamode-based B and C Hospital in Bhadrapur, Jhapa; and blood transfusion centres in Dharan.
Though donors give blood for free, one has to pay Rs 810 for one pint of blood under various titles such as HIV test Rs 200, Hepatitis B and C test Rs 200, bag and set Rs 250, among others. Similarly, Rs 50 for syphilis test, Rs 10 for haemoglobin test and Rs 40 for blood grouping has to be paid to the Red Cross.
Tumbapo said, “The centre has to bear loss of Rs 610 per pint while dispatching blood to the transfusion centres outside the district.” The blood collected in the district is stored for 20 days inside the district and sent outside the after that.
Panchthar District Hospital provides parturition service through surgery by MDGP doctors. Three women are operated in a week on average. Blood has to be made ready before surgery is performed. Since every patient does not require blood, the centre has obligation to send the blood outside the district as the collected blood has to be used within 35 days.
Various organisations and offices organise blood donation programmes in the district.