Landslide havoc
Sankhuwasabha: A house collapsed due to a landslide in Bala VDC of Sankhuwasabha district on Thursday. With their houses in peril, families of Tulsi Kumar Rai, Rat Bahadur Rai, Jasmaya
Rai, Tara Bahadur Rai, Bhakta Bahadur Rai, Aash Maya Rai, Jag Bahadur Rai, Ganga Bahadur Rai and Chabindra Rai have abandoned their houses, police said. They are putting up in relatives’ houses. — HNS
Food crisis in Bhojpur
Bhojpur: People in southern Bhojpur have been reeling under food crisis. Acute food shortage has hit Wasingtharpu and Bhu VDCs, secretary of Wasingtharpu VDC Rewati Dhungana said. “People of these VDCs are visiting Bhojpur bazaar, the district headquarters of Bhojpur, to buy food,” Dhungana said. — HNS
Phones to ring soon
Biratnagar: Telephones, which went dead after flooding in the Saptakoshi river, will start ringing from Saturday. Telephone service has been disrupted here in parts of the eastern region since Tuesday. Preparations are underway to revive the service by tomorrow through satellite and radio link, eastern regional director of the Nepal Telecom Bhagat Man Singh Pradhan said. — HNS