People want new CA election date announced immediately
Kathmandu, October 26:
Though the constitution assembly election that was to be held on November 22 has been postponed, a new date for the CA election has not been fixed because of the rigid stands of the major political parties. We present the opinions from different parts of the country of people from different walks of life:
Damodar Acharya, businessman:
“Deferral of the election to constituent assembly has discouraged all Nepalis who were eager to see a new Nepal. The political parties should forget their personal benefits and announce date for the constituent assembly elections at the earliest for the development of the country and establishment of loktantra.”
Manoj Kunwar, farmer:
“Deferral of the constituent assembly polls has hurt peace-loving Nepalis. People have lost their faith on the leaders of the political parties. There has been a great disrespect to the Jana Andolan II. The seven political parties should come ahead with a common consensus immediately for holding the free and fair constituent assembly election at the earliest.”
Bhola Mahat, human rights activist:
“People have believed that constitution assembly would make a new constitution through which the country would find a new direction, but postponement of CA election has hurt people’s sentiment. The date for constituent assembly election should be announced at the earliest after a political consensus.”
Anantakumar Devkota, teacher:
“Postponement of the constituent assembly election is a big obstacle in establishment of peace and loktantra in the country. This has also boosted the king’s supporters. The political parties should be flexible and reach an agreement to announce the CA election date at the earliest.”
Binit Shaha, government official:
“Deferral of the constituent assembly election has worried me. Why are the political parties are still fighting for posts? The Nepali Congress and the CPN-Maoist should be flexible and come into political consensus immediately and move forward by joining hands to save the country from the quagmire.”
Bhim Ghimire, trader:
“The decision of postponing CA polls is a big misfortune. This decision has become an obstacle in establishing peace and harmony in the country. The CA polls should be held at the earliest by the active involvement of all the political parties, civic society, industrialist and businessman.”
Subodh Pyakurel, young industrialist:
“The postponement of CA election made me feel that a soldier has lost a war despite having enough weapons, preparation and strength. The political parties are responsible for it. They should come into a common consensus and fix the election date soon.”