Schools in Birtamod teaching local textbook

Jhapa, August 28

Birtamod Municipality has included a textbook based on the local curriculum in community and private schools of the municipality.

The municipality was the first to implement its own curriculum in Province 1. Curriculum designed by the municipality aimed at nurturing humane virtue among school children. Officer Devraj Pandey at Education Section of the municipality said the textbook based on local curriculum would be instrumental in shaping cultured citizens for the country. The new curriculum was implemented in Grades III and IV.

It was designed considering local geography social structure, language, culture and traffic rules, among others. The curriculum will also be implemented in higher classes in the coming years, according to Pandey.

Mayor of Birtamod Municipality Dhruba Kumar Siwakoti said the textbook was included in the curriculum by exercising the rights of the local level to design and implement its own curriculum.

Textbook based on the local curriculum was prepared by Tika Pokhrel and Bhoj Raj Dahal in coordination with Pandey. The book contains 80 pages and it is taught in 18 community and 45 private schools of Birtamod municipality.

The book was distributed free of cost to school children.