Subisu providing internet services in rural Bhojpur
BHOJPUR: Subisu has initiated internet services in rural areas of Bhojpur district where locals do not have access to Nepal Telecom's internet connection.
Nepal Telecom has only been able to install towers for mobile communication and not been able to provide internet services, which has proved an opportunity for private internet service providers to step up and provide their services, at a time when demand for internet is increasing in rural areas after local-level elections.
Bhojpur representative of Subisu, Pawan Shrestha, said, “There has been an increase in people demanding internet services; the operation of private banks in rural municipalities has made it a necessity.”
Ramesh Subedi, an official at Nepal Telecom-Bhojpur, said that Nepal Telecom has been able to provide internet services to district headquarters only while the private companies have been expanding their services to rural areas as well. He said that ADSL services are effective in market areas, however, people are also found using Telecom's WiMAX in some villages.
Subisu has installed around 200 units to provide services to government organisations and locals in Bhojpur district.