Teenager missing for 15 days in Palpa
PALPA: A teenage girl of Mujhung in Rainadevi Chhahara Rural Municipality-5, Palpa has been missing for the past 15 days.
16-year-old Manju Gahatraj, a Grade 10 student at the local Kalika Secondary School, has been missing from her home since December 11.
Gahatraj, who had gone to bed the earlier evening was not found in her room the next morning, Yadav Gahatraj, a relative of Manju Gahatraj confirmed.
She was not found in any of her relatives' house, neither did any of her friends know her whereabouts. Her relatives have searched for her as far as Butwal, but to no avail.
Meanwhile, the District Police Office (DPO) at Palpa has initiated a nationwide search for the missing by sending her information to all the district police offices, according to the Inspector of Nepal Police at the DPO Chandra Kumar Thapa.