Time card to be implemented along Muglin road

Chitwan, June 22

District Traffic Police Office, Chitwan, is all set to execute time card along the Narayangadh-Muglin road section after number of accidents increased in the recently black-topped stretch.

Work is under way to implement time card within two days to reduce accidents, said Inspector Bed Prasad Gautam. He added that his office was preparing to introduce time card in coordination with Narayangadh-Muglin Road Project, transport entrepreneurs and Department of Roads.

According to Inspector Gautam, radar guns will be used to measure speed of moving vehicles. “Cops equipped with radar guns will be deployed at Mugling, Simaltal, Jugedi, Dasdhunga, among other places,” he said.

After the road is upgraded, vehicles can cross the 36-km stretch in 40 minutes. Gautam said accidents could be reduced if vehicles abided by traffic rules and regulations.

Engineer Shiv Khanal, information officer at Narayangadh-Muglin Road Project said eight types of security structures would be constructed to reduce road accidents along the road.