Two rural municipalities in Nawalpur get quarantine management materials

Nawalpur, June 14

Two hilly rural municipalities — Baudikali and Bulingtar — in Nawalpur have received assistance materials worth over Rs 200,000 for the management of quarantine centres.

Nawalparasi Society Japan and Nawalpur Society Japan shared the financial burden of providing such materials to the local governments.

Gandaki Provincial Assembly member Bishnu Prasad Lamichhane yesterday handed the assistance to local representatives. The assistance includes 400 mosquito nets, 400 bed covers, 160 blankets, and four rolls of mat.

Similarly, Kathmandu-based Karuna Foundation and an organisation called Creation Possibility have assisted with 24 sets of personal protection equipment, 16 thermal guns, 400 N-95 masks and 10 litres of hand sanitiser. The PA member handed the assistance to Bulingtar’s Chair Shashi Kiran Bastakoti and Bauidikali’ Chair Maya Devi Shrestha.

Lack of resources, inadequate transportation facilities, limited access to nearby health facility for check-up and accessible market to purchase required health materials and late results of tests are among the challenges these rural municipalities face in containing the virus, according to local representatives.

Till date, five people from the district have returned home after recovery. A youth was discharged this morning from the isolation ward at Madhyabindu Hospital, Danda.

Altogether five people have recovered, said Nawalpur District Health Office.

Prior to this, a woman with her maternal home at Devchuli Municipality was discharged from Kathmandu and two males from Devchuli and one from Binayi Tribeni returned home from the Bharapur-based Corona Special (temporary) Hospital.

So far, Nawalpur has reported 45 coronavirus cases.

Of them, six have been admitted to the Bharatpur-based Corona Hospital and the others are being treated at Rajahar-based Community Naturopathy Hospital and Madyabindu District Hospital.

A version of this article appears in e-paper on June 15, 2020, of The Himalayan Times.