Be sincere to people

If anyone asks about the government of Nepal’s working pattern, the response is always ‘troublesome, lethargic and slow.’ I sent my passport to Nepal Embassy in USA for renewal for MRP. They sent it to Nepal after three months. They kept my passport for three months in the US. I called the official in Nepal Embassy, and they told me that they could not send the collected passports on time because they were busy after the earthquake. I do not know what actually the Nepal Embassy did during the

monstrous earthquake and its aftermath for the victims. I asked Dr. Arjun Karki, Nepal’s Ambassador to USA, in his Facebook and requested him to proceed with their backlog activities for passport renewal. He saw the message but did not reply. When my passport reached Nepal after three months, I looked at the Department of Passport website. I found an error on my first name. I clearly wrote my first name as mentioned in the old passport. The officers who work at such important jobs should be careful about the people’s name, date of birth and other information, which are going to be on the pages of passport. I sent emails to Embassy officials and Passport Department of Nepal for the correction of my name. They did not reply to my emails. I called an officer at the Nepal Embassy to make sure whether they had received my email or not. He told me on the phone that they have received it if I have sent to the correct email address without checking for the emails. Therefore, I would like to request all officers who are involved with this matter to be sincere.

Krishana Gyanwali, San Leandro, California


Apropos of the news story “Panel urges govt to show some leniency towards casino operators” (THT, July 10, Page 9), it is good that the committee has recommended leniency to casinos which have been generating thousands of jobs for the past six decades.

However, showing leniency is not enough, considering their invaluable support to the nation in general and the tourism industry in particular. The committee should also recommend special rehabilitation packages. At a time like this when the tourism industry is suffering from mid-life crisis. It will highly encourage the casino operators to perform their duty to the nation. Meanwhile, the panel should also offer lifeline to thousands of trekking and tour companies that could not renew their licenses within six months from the expiry dates. It is strange that default by a few weeks or even a day or two is a strong enough ground for not renewing the license for only trekking and tour companies. The other stakeholders like hotels, casinos and airlines do not seem to have this encumbrance. At a time when the nation’s tourist arrivals have dried up, it is important that the MoCTCA panel recommends removal of six-month deadline. Any company that wants to renew its license must be encouraged to do so.

J. Talchabhadell, Bhaktapur