BLOG SUFR: Lighting
Another no-brainer, but it still takes getting used to. You can't really use a flash, and you might not
realize how bright flashes are. Even though the camera films at lower resolution (and I assume this is to group pixels together to gather more light) the camera still doesn't do as well in ambient light as a still photo. 420 fps is only about two milliseconds of exposure time, and you have to gather enough light so that noise isn't an obstacle, which limits you. I've purchased a couple of LED desk lights
for indoor shooting, as well as outfitting a traditional el-cheapo-desk lamp with a CFL (the fixture is limited to 60 Watts, but a 100 W-equivalent-brightness CFL draws only about 20 W). The drawback to this is that cheap desk lighting gives you a 60Hz flicker. I film near a window when I can, to get sunlight involved.
A corollary to this is that the aperture is wide open, which reduces depth-of-field. The camera has an occasional tendency to auto-focus on the
wrong item, and the
shot ends