BLOG SURF: Skip gyms

When I’m feeling anxious or sad, a long, brisk walk is a surefire way to cheer me up. All I need are a pair of comfortable shoes and good music and whatever’s troubling me falls away, step by step. And despite how many miles I log, it never feels like exercise because it doesn’t meet what I consider to be exercise’s requirements-sore, aching muscles and

sweat soaking through my shirt. Walking is too fun to be considered exercise … or so I thought.

A recent report suggests that high-intensity exercise might not benefit us as much as we think, which makes me wonder if my walks make the gym skip-able. Can walking be enough of a cardio workout? According to the American College of Sports Medicine, we should get sixty to ninety minutes of exercise a day. That sounds intimidating, but the recommendation doesn’t specify what type of exercise—just that we should be on our feet for an hour a day, and not even all at once. —