CREDOS : The Snowman — I
It just came up in a casual conversation. It was one of those times when a young child asks a simple question expecting a very complex answer, but then, much to the delight of the child, hears a simple one. It was late on a snowy Saturday afternoon. The young boy and his father were cleaning up the remaining leaves and branches that had fallen during the windy approach of the snowstorm. They stopped for a moment and sat quietly watching the snow fall. Both were bundled up from head to toe. Mom insisted, “I’m the one who will have to take care of you if you catch a cold.”
So they complied, adding a scarf and hat as they walked out the door. “Dad, my friend told me that every snowflake is different,” the child said. “I believe that’s true,” his dad replied. There was silence. “How do we know that?” the child asked. Dad, now smiling, turned toward his son and said, “We just do.”
“But they look all the same to me,” the child added. Now dad felt obligated to come up with a more satisfying answer -- one so profound that his son would remember this moment for years to come.
“Son, snowflakes are like people. God makes everyone of us different. We are each unique in a very special way. How do we know that? We just do.” Not a good answer at all, he realised. It falls into that category of “Because I said so.” “We can test it right now,” he added. The child stood up, put out his hand, and watched as snowflakes landed on
his glove. —