CREDOS: Tying loose ends — II

Tell each one that you want to apologise for allowing things to get crossways between you. Even if she was the one who hurt you, tell her you want to move on. Some may doubt your intentions, but tell them that you sincerely feel it’s time to clear the air. Ask those who agree to meet to write down any ways they think you wronged them, and you do the same. Tell them to bring this list to your get-together.

Show up on time and thank each for being forgiving enough to meet with you. Tell each person that you want to apologise for whatever you did that hurt him. Be an adult here; finger-pointing only tears people apart. Remember, your experience may be totally different from his. Listen to each issue and try to see it from their perspectives. Seek to understand why they harbour bad feelings toward you. Apologise for each thing they think you did to wrong them.

At the end of the conversation, thank each once again for talking with you. It was a big show of faith in your character. Plus, she’s helping you to move toward your dreams by tying up loose ends in your past. The next day, send her a handwritten card thanking her.

After you tie up your first loose end, you’ll want to resolve them all. This is hard to explain until you have done it; but once you do, you’ll know what I mean. I learned much about myself by tying up my loose ends. Most of all, this process helped me become a more understanding and patient friend. — (Concluded)