Cyber risks for children

Internet finds its way everywhere. From bathroom en route to Mt. Everest, just sitting in a corner of a room, one will get the whole world ‘good and bad’, with just a few mouse clicks, in front, at the touch of tabs. Internet, these days, proliferate

in homes, academic institutions, offices, hotels, even in cars and briefcases. Today’s technological advances have offered an easy comfortable lifestyle, heightened entertainment and easy learning style.

It offers remarkable benefits to people from every walk of life. They use online resources to boost academic performances, expand learning, become familiar with other cultures, and maintain a network of acquaintances around the world.

Gone are the days, when books and teachers were merely thought to be the sources of knowledge. Today, they learn many things just sitting in a room, unbeknown to all the folks around through this wire-world.

Evidence exists that children’s effective use of the Internet leads to their success, and ultimately professional success. They acquire ‘understanding of the mysteries of life’, a process which is closely allied to that of obtaining knowledge about aspects of the world with which they have no direct contact. Besides that, Internet also offers them a wide range of incidental learning situations. This helps the children get a better idea of procedures and ways of doing things.

But for all the opportunities on the Internet to help children soar, personally and scholastically, online dangers abound. For examples, strangers, pretending to be someone else can communicate with children, unsolicited e-mail-spam- about websites with sexuality explicit material can arrive in e-mail inboxes. Request for personal information for contests or surveys are used in unauthorized ways by many frauds. Cyberbullying — intimidating, frightening, or threatening texts or e-mails can be received. And bountiful easily accessed websites filled with detailed information on extreme, vulgar, bigoted and violent activities.

We need to identify cyber risk and vulnerabilities to children -the risk posed to children and teenagers by unmonitored browsing of the webs and the importance of spreading awareness about this, ensuring browsing is only for educational or other useful purposes at the very early age.