Save the mothers

A study has shown that suicide is now a leading cause of death of women of reproductive age and sending alarming signals. Previously, other reasons accounted for most of the deaths. Figures show that it now accounts for 16 per cent of such deaths whereas in 1998 it was 10 percent, and was the third reason for the deaths. The reasons for committing suicides are among others mainly mental health problems and relationships. This study should be taken seriously now that the women of this age have now been identified as those being prone to committing suicide.

As we now know the high risk groups, they should be constantly under surveillance. Help should always be easily available for them. Possibly we could have counselors to talk them out of committing suicide. For this, hotlines could prove to be immensely helpful. The health service providers should also be trained to assist hapless women who are musing ending their life. The present findings of the rise of suicide incidents call for immediate intervention from the concerned. Since women of the reproductive age are now known to be vulnerable to committing suicides no efforts must be spared to save them.

End illusion

Last weekend saw a flurry of political developments that baffled many a observers by the suddenness of events unfolding. Foremost among them remains the speed with which the High Level Political Mechanism (HLPM) has generated enthusiasm among all. The supporters aside, the critics have often leveled charges that the said mechanism is for toppling the existing government. This is difficult to subscribe to as the prime minister himself is an invitee member of the HLPM. Herein, it must be borne in mind that changing the line up at the current crucial juncture can do more harm than good. As for the government, every tussle seems to have lent it strength rather than diminished it. For one thing, the smooth discharge of the disqualified former Maoist combatants from the cantonments, howsoever it is being accomplished, is surely helping the government’s credibility. And, now the eyes will shift to the integration and rehabilitation of the qualified members from the cantonments. All the eleven thematic committees of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have presented their concept papers and preliminary drafts.

However, the limelight has been stolen by the HLPM which has galvanized all the top leaders of the three major political parties, that is Nepali Congress and CPN (UML), the major coalition partners, and the UCPN (M), the opposition. Even former prime minister and NC President Girija Prasad Koirala, despite his ill-health, is enthused by the expectations that have been raised by the formation of HLPM and the agreement on the ToR. That has belied all fears that the idea would remain on paper. Despite all this, a lot of brainstorming for consensus on the issues to be taken up by HLPM is necessary. It is not as easy as it seems. But, the greatest force has been the Maoists’ support, that is to say they expect results from this three-party body. The urge is on now for the inclusion of other parties in the CA. How that will go ahead is a matter to be conjectured. But, there’s a catch in that there are many who want to be included in the high level mechanism which cannot be possible. If the expansion of the HLPM size continues, there will be more talk than any concrete action as already is being seen as the major parties are the ones specifically at loggerheads. As long as the three major parties sort out their differences the HLPM will be right on track, with the needed support and cooperation of the other political parties. What should be borne in mind is that the mechanism is not a parallel government, so it is best for the present members to dedicate themselves to accomplish the almost impossible.

That the HLPM has raised hopes can be seen by the sudden decision by the UCPN (M) to cancel its indefinite bandh from yesterday. If the warring top leadership of the three major parties agree to do the needful then it surely means business. What the leaders concerned must not indulge in is trying to outsmart each other which the people have been witness to umpteen number of times. The opportunity is likely there for a greater understanding and the resolution of contentious issue, and thereby the statute being promulgated by May 28, 2010. It is a matter of sincerity and seriousness of our leaders.