Sounds good, but...
This is in response to the news “Australia to grant work permit with student visa” (THT, June 25). As a student studying and living in Australia, I am a first-hand witness to a huge influx of foreign students into Australia from every corner of the globe. The numbers are projected to increase even further in the years ahead. This has resulted in stiff competition for work among foreign students.
Even jobs like dish washing are hard to get. Finding other skill-based jobs sounds like a
far-fetched idea. It is good to know that the Australian government has given Nepali students the opportunity to work for 20 hours a week but what is the meaning of a ‘working visa’ if there is absolutely nothing to do out here?
Shiva Neupane, Melbourne, Australia
Right way
I urge all the college students who gather to protest on the streets for their various
demands to form their own parties and fight elections. Their own elected members can thus directly address their demands in the parliament. It will spare the public the inconvenience arising from blocked streets and wanton acts of violence. That will be the most
democratic way to have their demands addressed.
Paul Rai, via e-mail
Wrong again
The official website of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) now introduces the Department of Education (DoE) as “The Government of Nepal established the DoE under the Ministry of Education and Sports in 1999 (2056).” This introduction formerly read “His Majesty’s Government established...”
I think the change is historically incorrect. The current Government of Nepal was not present in 1999, and so, logically, it couldn’t have established the DoE. The change that should have happened is “The then His Majesty’s Government”.
Shalini Mathur, via e-mail
No joke
Nepal is said to be one of the richest countries in terms of water resources. And yet we have to cope with hours of load-shedding every week. I am even more shocked by the activities of Nepal Electricity Authority here in Biratnagar. Previously when there was load-shedding, they used to cut power at fixed times. But today, they do it whenever they like. Some days we have to go through 11 hours of power cut. In one hour they cut power three times. It’s just despicable.
Dwaipayan Regmi,
An admission form for +2 colleges costs about Rs500, which is expensive by any standard for a few sheets of paper. Colleges expect the students who have just passed SLC to pay this amount to appear in ‘entrance exam’. But SLC, duly called prabeshika, itself is an entrance exam to join +2. The students who have already qualified for the Intermediate Level should not have to pass another exam for the same purpose. The government should stop
+2 colleges from fleecing students in the name of entrance exams. Selling of forms for entrance examinations has become a new way to earn a good profit for +2 colleges.
Rabin Rachalica, Green Team, Bhaktapur