Referendum the answer
Apropos of Ranjan Panth’s deeply insightful article “Electing the unelected” (THT, June 19), after the drafting of inclusive Constitution we should either revert to (a) the
winner-take-all system or adopt (b) 100% proportional representation system, but not a mixed one. A mixed system is conducive to “electing the unelected” based purely on party
nominations to undermine whatever little culture of democracy is left in political parties dominated by dynastic politics and feudal mindsets.
Direct vote for President would do the job in a presidential system. In a parliamentary system, however, one may have to innovate by going for direct election of the PM, one fully accountable to parliament. Like the US President, the PM will be authorised to appoint ministers from outside the Parliament.
Unlike the US President, the PM will have to resign if a vote of no confidence is carried in the House by at least 66% of MPs present. It would require the President to be more than ceremonial to provide stability to the body politic. Such an innovation would demarcate the subtle, but vital, difference between the ‘parliamentary party’ and the ‘party’.
To ensure that ‘people’s sovereignty’ reigns supreme over ‘parliamentary sovereignty’, another innovation would be to make constitutional provision for national, federal and local
referendums, which will ensure stability and buttress ethical politics by doing away with frequent elections of the PM though parliamentary horse-trading, political mergers or acquisitions of parties.
Madhukar SJB Rana, Jawalakhel
Ranjan Panth’s article “Electing the unelected” (THT, June 19) was not only refreshing but also helpful in illuminating the nature of electoral process which happens to be an indivisible part of democracy. As Panth says, many of us, including this writer, have been proven wrong and “humbled” by the spirited and vibrant campaign launched by the Maoists. This has esulted in a thumping win for the CPN-Maoist. May the Constituent Assembly succeed in incorporating a provision for direct election of President in the new constitution so that we can also get a taste of American-style electoral extravaganza. Prachanda may indeed prove to be no less a figure than Barack Obama has proven to be in the US.
Dr Jagadish Sharma,
via e-mail
Could you?
THT is an excellent English daily. But I would still like to see some changes. I would like to see more pages (with the increasing number of ads), complete schedules of programmes of popular channels like HBO and BBC World. I also miss Dilbert. Could you publish the comic strip at least once in a while?
Spandan Shrestha,
NT lie
Nepal Telecom recently announced improvements in its mobile phone services by 40%. But I am having even more troubles with my mobile phone. When I switch it on, the message is ‘Limited Service’. Network coverage at Lagankhel is good but I am yet to receive any phone call since the NT announcement. Is this an improvement?
Krishna K Raut, Lagankhel