First things first
According to your news report “EC seeks Rs 250 million to train poll staff” (THT, July 18), the Election Commission is demanding a huge sum to train over 1.5 lakh people to be deployed during CA polls scheduled for November 22. What will happen to all the money if the elections cannot be held on time?
Most of the money will go down the drain. Should the polls be deferred again,
totally new arrangements will have to be made for the rescheduled elections and the EC is sure to make new demands upon both the government and donor community. In that case, even the Nepal Peace Trust Fund (NPTF) set up by our foreign donors will be reluctant to loosen its purse strings. Therefore, the pressing need is to make sure that a peaceful and secure environment is created for the November polls.
Bal Krishna Limbu,
Not feasible
Maoist chairman Prachanda’s suggestion that the YCL be deployed along with Special Police Force to maintain law and order during the CA polls is not feasible. Prachanda himself has admitted that “most of the YCL cadres were Maoist militia,” “Prachanda throws the book at UNMIN” (THT, July 17). How can fighting members of a rebel outfit be expected to act in a free and fair manner while their party is contesting elections? This is not a sign of a
responsible statesman with an avowed desire to lead the country in the future.
Sheetal Shrestha, via e-mail
No hearsay
Perhaps Lt Kesab Gurung, the author of the letter “Bitter truth” (THT, July 13), is not aware that THT did not publish the news report “British Gurkhas get ground to grin” (THT, July 10) based on hearsay. Rather, the Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen’s Organisation (GAESO) had held a press meet on July 9 to disseminate the news about British prime minister’s statement regarding review of terms and conditions of ex-British Gurkhas. There is nobody else to blame except GAESO for playing with the sentiments of ex-Gurkhas. Separately, I agree with Binu Gurung’s view expressed in her letter “Nearly there” (THT, July 12) that the
ex-Gurkhas are nowhere near winning their long battle against discrimination.
Capt Himal Rai, Vice President, United British Gurkhas Ex-servicemen Association
Thin line
The front-page photograph of a Thai cop writhing in flames (THT, July 18) was at once arresting and gross. If the purpose of publishing such a grisly image on front page was an attempt to captivate the readers’ attention, the purpose was served. But it also smacks of sensationalism, the antithesis of objective journalism. There is a thin line between the two. A good newspaper should avoid sensationalism to maintain its status as a credible provider of news.
Amit Bhandari, Bishalnagar
Apropos of the news report “KMC staffers, cops face rag-pickers’ wrath” (THT, July 18), I was shocked to see policemen mercilessly thrashing garbage collectors, who are living hard lives. The brutality of the police even after the advent of Loktantra is hard to understand.
Shiva Neupane, via e-mail