Monopoly profit:
This refers to the news “Petroleum dealers make huge profits” published in THT on February 20. The NOC’s decision to deregulate the price of petroleum products has provided the private dealers with an opportunity to enjoy monopoly and make some good money. At a time when the country is facing huge economic crisis, it is unfair and unjustifiable to increase the price on the pretext that the hike is to cover the organisation’s loss. I just see this hike as fulfilling the profit motive of a few people and as an act that would aggravate inflation.
Tushar Niroula, via e-mail
Virus menace:
The news “Nepal bans poultry imports from India” (THT, Feb. 20) indicated the seriousness of the possible spread of bird flu in Nepal too. Banning poultry products from India and abroad is a good move on the government’s part but what can be done about thousands of migratory birds flocking to our country every year? These birds can also carry the deadly virus. The government must soon launch an awareness programme all over the country on prevention techniques for this deadly disease.
Sumit Pokhrel, Shankhamul
Mana Prasad Wagley’s article “Education system: Culture of guides and guess papers” (THT, Feb. 16) was an eye-opener. Most striking was the point that these days the teachers themselves are resorting to the use of guides. Moreover, the teachers write the materials for guess papers and guides that are published without their names. What has happened to the teachers’ ethics and their commitment? The author is also right when he says that such a practice will kill students’ creativity and inject a feeling of studying merely for passing exams. Teachers should be responsible for producing competent students to build the nation.
Rom Nath Chhetri, Paragon Public School, Tilganga
It is a good idea to have a smoking zone in public places for the benefit of the smokers and non-smokers alike. Recently, I visited the newly opened Kathmandu Mall shopping complex, where I noticed a small area in the corner of every floor allocated as ‘smoking zone.’ In this way smokers can enjoy their right to smoke and non-smokers don’t have to bother about passive smoking. It would be good if other departmental stores and restaurants in the Valley, too, followed such a practice for the benefit of all.
Sanjeev Raj Neupane, Maharajgunj
It is ridiculous to promulgate the controversial ordinance to restrict students from going abroad for studies. This is going to create a big hassle for students to get the ‘no objection letter’ from the ministry concerned. There are many pupils who are aspiring to go abroad for higher studies and the government should not impose such restrictions on their travel. The situation is not congenial for pursuing serious education. Given the frequent strikes and bandhs, regular classes cannot be conducted. There are not enough job opportunities for graduates here. The government should reconsider the implications of the ordinance.
Rejan, via e-mail