LETTERS: Ideology and development
Apropos of the news story “Bhattarai says he has not renounced Marxism yet” (THT, November 19, Page 3), Bhattarai may not have quit Marxism but has he a detailed plan sans theoretical ideology as to how he will develop Gorkha into a prosperous Pradesh. Ideology does not develop, action does. He should present his step by step action plan to the people if he wants to win the election.
In his case it might also be relevant to tell his plan to deal with natural disaster if a quake strikes his constituency again. People these days are not interested in political ideologues, especially Marxism, after observing what one time the highly regarded Marxist follower like presently embattled Robert Mugabe has done to his country and the people. History is witness to the fact that Marxist revolutionary Mugabe took his country and its people straight from the frying pan into the fire. The Marxism has also turned a prosperous state in India along the coast of Bay of Bengal into one of the poorest states in the country. And a landlocked nation in our neighborhood has turned into a wreck after the rise of Marxism from the ashes of monarchy. So Marxism is not a silver bullet that will cure all ills, no political system can. But people with vision can make a difference. While Yuew and Mahathir took their respective countries from the coastal prototypes into modern marvels in less than three decades, we are still fumbling in the darkness since 1990. Xi is a living example of how a country can become a behemoth under the vision and inspiration of one man irrespective of political ideology.
Manohar Shrestha, Kathmandu
With the dates of two phases of polls for the federal parliament and provincial assemblies drawing near, election campaigns are in full swing across the country. Believe it or not, an essence of all election campaigns launched by political parties is to persuade voters. The nature of campaigns, therefore, should be focused on peaceful approaches to inform voters about the parties’ policies to win support in polls and ensure their victories. As citizens’ participation and their voting decisions are immensely influenced by such campaigns, strategies positively and peacefully used in campaigns are always fundamental to the way that the voters are convinced and take part in poll process without any fear. But sad to say, instead of focusing campaigns on their policy issues political parties, their candidates, supporters and other negative forces are seen resorting to negative campaigning, violence and allegations.
Cases of bomb explosions have raised serious security concerns for candidates and voters “12 hurt in IED explosions”, “NC condemns attack on Paudel” (THT, November 19, Page 1). Furthermore, campaigners and their supporters should abide by the election code of conduct.
Som Nath Ghimire, Kawasoti