LETTERS: Sting operation
Apropos of the news story “Sting operation to discourage sexual harassment on public transport” (THT, Page 2, Aug 2), although Kathmandu is not like Delhi where males literally paw females all over the body without fear or favour in the buses, it is still a noble thought on the part of our traffic.
But sting! What sting? Just post a few female constables in uniform in the buses. Anyone caught harassing females or males (yes females can molest males also, whereas pickpockets will run their fingers over anyone) should be subject to 100 sit-ups or push-ups on the road.
The traffic must be super alert to nab the pickpockets which is a bigger problem. But a sting operation to force the public transport to accept the number of commuters according to seats only will eliminate all molestation and some incidents of pickpocket.
The traffic police are already aware that when 25 to 30 people are crammed into jumbo Hiace, with five passengers on the last bench, three people each on two person seats and three passengers on the driver’s cabin with the rest standing precariously to balance themselves with nothing to hold on to, passengers are bound to touch one another against their own volition.
Add to this the wild speed and high motion, passengers swaying and swerving wildly, would lose their sense of time and motion, let alone take part in willful molestation. Under such circumstances, even the most careful person cannot stop from knocking others.
The cops should, therefore, do a sting operation to stop micros, jumbo, mini buses, Sajha buses and tempos (which sit 10 to 12 with three to four extra passengers standing on others’ toes) from overloading beyond their seating capacity during peak hours.
When public transport respects their capacity, sexual harassment, molestation, pick-pocketing and youth fondling and cuddling their partners will vanish from inside the public transport. As a regular bus commuter, I am more fearful about fire in the buses, especially while I am stuck in the middle of the high capacity ones.
In the eventuality of a sudden fire, it won’t be easy to come out alive if one is stuck in the middle of a bus with
over hundred passengers.
Has anyone thought about this? We should go for a full diagnosis of the problem.
Manohar Shrestha, Kathmandu
This is in reference to the news article “ Kalikot man held with leopard, bone from Gongabu guesthouse” (THT, July 2). It is really frustrating that some people in our country are still robbing the precious gems of our forests.
This makes every loyal citizen sick in the guts to hear such news.
I can’t understand why our law enforcement bodies and the police department seem ineffective when it comes to bringing this shocking activity under the rule of the land.
This case should be studied without bias. I am certain that there is a connection of poachers with powerful leaders.
The world is missing precious animals like tigers, leopards, and rhinos.
Shiva Neupane, Melbourne