MIDWAY : A quantum leap

Negotiating a deal’ is to talk and discuss in a free, open and impartial manner on an offer made by a friendly party. It assumes that anything done in one’s interest is manifested and duly documented. And that the signatories are clearly indicated. This provides proof as to its authenticity and credibility. It means that after a long process the papers relating to the deal is finalised. As long as nothing goes amiss or there is a turnaround the wordings indicate a coming together.

It also certifies the involvement of participants who may have observed a code of conduct which may have contributed to its development and the strengthening of ties. Furthermore, before the negotiations have reached a critical stage both sides would have come to a foregone conclusion. Verily, awaiting them would be the fruits of their labour.

This is in effect a testimony to the goodwill shown. Observing the letter and spirit of the documents takes priority and goes to clear setbacks. So that the impasse is solved and everything turns out as expected. The papers spell out the terms of conditions which has an important bearing upon the process being conducted. It gives a platform whereby the two sides enact the signing ceremony. And the stage is set for formal proceedings. Due vigilance is observed to thwart any last minute hitches and even if they arise are promptly dealt with.

So everyone is looking forward to the actual signing in the light of what has gone before. And at the centre stage are those whose hard headed negotiations have finally paid off. Their sense of fair play and good humour coming into effect. This accounts for the manner in which things were conducted prior to giving it a final format.

The ease with which the deal was pulled off serves as a reminder that the effort was worth it. It becomes in short order an achievement. Thus there is no need to hold it in check and the way ahead is clear with no misunderstanding to mar it. The deal comes as a milestone covering many aspects and recorded so that there is no chance of a slip-up. It carries weight and is worth the effort put in. What has started out as a small affair turns out to be a quantum leap forward and accepted as such.