MIDWAY: Charm offensive

Charm is an integral part of one’s personality. This means putting forth one’s best manners in company. It shows up in different ways such as being quiet and soft-spoken. Charm is an elusive quality that lies under the layers of sophistication. It equals other qualities in some measure and strikes a responsive chord. It also begets like-mindedness and nuances in behaviour encouraging remarks from those impressed by it.

One’s charm takes on a certain hue not to be missed but observed as much as possible. It’s worn like a cuff link, which is obvious by its presence. Whenever it is switched on it lights up the face. One can conclude that it makes for either friendship or enmity. There is nothing quite like it for showing off and making an impact.

Whenever a charm makes itself felt there is anticipation for more of the same. It aids and abets a feeling of ease when one is in good company. Being thus vouchsafed for it can ensure the putting up of a front. As it is manifest to the observer nothing escapes the eye, and all to the good.

A charm is exuded in the guise of genuine feelings. There is no direct or indirect intervention when this happens to leave one out of breath by its sheer audacity. Of necessity, it pre-empts anything said as a matter of course. No two people can agree on what happens because it bespeaks a pleasant demeanour — one that is not besmirched. Charming behaviour has its own place in particular when the need to do so becomes imperative. Thus it benefits at a critical moment in a befitting way. It touches the core and sets off a token reaction. This can bedevil the senses because the onus is there and visible. Nothing will offset any awkwardness in a setting, social or otherwise. Charm can survive any tongue-lashing. And the stage is set to stoop and conquer even the most hardhearted. Perhaps this is why it can be construed as such. And it engenders an effect without an effort.

A suave and polished manner works like a charm and serves to disarm a person. So everything turns out to be casual, offhand and straightforward, adding to the atmosphere, which becomes congenial. And even the most unlikely of deals are conducted in a businesslike manner and are clinched without much ado.