MIDWAY : Penniless conversations
It has hit us hard. The aftermath of the global economic crisis may not have come as a big surprise for a few of us excelling in the art of intuition and tight-fistedness. However, for those like me who cannot enjoy the freedom of choices, thanks to my lavish way of living and lack of farsightedness — the crunch last year has come as a bolt from the blue.
I need money, desperately. But, who doesn’t? So true, but I bet nobody needs it more than I do at the moment. I don’t earn a six-figure salary, not many people do. It is well below that mark. Being an international student with a work limit visa hasn’t made it easy either.
A few months back, I didn’t have the drive and zeal to look for other jobs, though the realisation of the fact that money doesn’t come easy has been an eye-opener of late.
Too many forthcoming expenses, but very few ways to meet them! Couldn’t see it coming, could I? Oh, how I hate my so-very-cool way of looking at things that I couldn’t be bothered until the last hour.
But the pain has already been inflicted. My inbox is full of emails that read “Sorry, we appreciate your interest in joining us but, unfortunately, we can’t hire you.” Maybe my resume is not very impressive or maybe the competition is stiffer than I assumed it to be.
So, I carefully weighed up my chances of not sinking in this situation that was looking more like quicksand with the clock ticking faster than ever. I asked myself, “Who should I ask for
money?” Yes, not surprisingly, my only hope of survival in 2009 was getting a loan. I don’t have a partner (who wants to have a penniless boyfriend anyway?)
and my friends are no better off.
Therefore, my last resort to wade safely through these hard times was going to be a bank. That’s what I thought; perhaps I was too optimistic or maybe stupid. One after another, my applications for a loan or a credit card got rejected and I was left licking my fresh wounds.
All of them turned their backs on me as I possibly would be a bad investment for them. Battered and bruised, I am left with a faint hope that these wounds would heal soon enough. What about you? I guess you must have had a heck of a new year already.