The three words
Dumbledore, the headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, often says in the Harry Potter series that love is the most powerful weapon on earth. But sometimes, there are emotions stronger than love. And sometimes, three words can mean much more than “I love you.”
The first time I fully realized that, I had just entered high school. After years of gawkiness and average-ness at school, where I was in a futile wrestle with the pure sciences (and they with me), I had decided that the Arts would not trouble me so much. I was determined to impress. And impress not just anyone – but one particular teacher, who had interviewed me at the entrance exam.
He was so different from my earlier teachers; he talked so effortlessly of Charles Dickens and The Lighthouse, that I was hooked. And when, after a semi-grueling interview, he announced, “I think you are going to be the best student in my class,” I wanted it to be true. —